Archive | Africa

Human Rights Watch World Report highlights caste discrimination in India, Nepal and Mauritania

The report covering events of 2020 highlights severe human rights violations faced by the lowest castes in the these countries, especially focusing on civil society and freedom of association, the intersection of caste and […]
January 16th, 2021|Africa, Dalit Women, Human Rights Defenders, India, Nepal, Violence and atrocities|

Consultation on global action to address discrimination based on work and descent held in Senegal

On April 9-11 IDSN supported the Dakar Consultation on Global Partnership and Joint Actions in Addressing Discrimination based on Work & Descent – DWD, Untouchability, Contemporary Forms of Slavery and Analogous Forms of Discrimination that […]

Caste discrimination is blocking progress on the SDGs says UK NGO development network BOND

A new report Caste and Development: Tackling Discrimination Based on Work and Descent has just been released by the UK NGO development network BOND highlighting the urgent need to address caste discrimination in order […]

UN expert calls on states to end caste discrimination

GENEVA, 17 MARCH 2016 — Caste-affected countries should take urgent and comprehensive action to combat caste discrimination, the UN Special Rapporteur on minority issues, Rita Izsàk-Ndiaye, says in a new report on the issue […]

EP: The EU must fight caste discrimination

Press release: The elected representatives of half a billion Europeans from 28 countries in the European Parliament (EP) today adopted a strongly worded resolution on caste discrimination.

October 10th, 2013|Africa, European Union, South Asia|

Slave castes suffer in Madagascar

The UN Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery has urged the Government of Madagascar to address the issue of caste discrimination openly. She also notes that victims of caste discrimination are generally vulnerable to slavery and slavery-like practices, such as bonded labour in South Asia.

August 21st, 2013|Africa, Caste-based slavery, Nepal, United Nations|

UN: Better protection against discrimination for Roma and victims of caste systems

In a report stressing the need for better protection against discrimination for Roma and victims of caste systems, the UN Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, Mr. Githu Muigai, warns that the rights of an estimated 250 million people across the globe are at risk because they are subjected to discrimination on the basis of caste or other social systems based on inherited status.

June 15th, 2011|Africa, Diaspora|

IDSN on YouTube

IDSN have launched a YouTube Channel on

Read the IDSN February newsletter

The latest IDSN newsletter once again underlines that caste discrimination is a serious international human rights issue.

March 2nd, 2011|Africa, Bangladesh, Nepal, United Nations|

Get updated with IDSN’s October newsletter

This month's IDSN newsletter features information on Dalit issues from several caste-affected countries, including India, Bangladesh and Nigeria, as well as numerous stories with an international perspective.

October 28th, 2010|Africa, Bangladesh, European Union, India|