Archive | Japan

UN committee raises concern over persisting intersectional discrimination against Buraku women in Japan

The UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) raised concern over persisting discrimination and stereotypes against Buraku women at the 17 October review of Japan. The Committee’s Concluding Observations specifically identify, […]
November 22nd, 2024|Dalit Women, Japan, United Nations|

Side-event: The Impact of Online Caste-Hate Speech

Register for the event here: Register for the event here:

Nepal: Bachelet condemns Dalit killings, calls for independent investigation

See the statement below from UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet:   Nepal: Bachelet condemns Dalit killings, calls for independent investigation   GENEVA (29 May 2020) – UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet expressed […]

Consultation on global action to address discrimination based on work and descent held in Senegal

On April 9-11 IDSN supported the Dakar Consultation on Global Partnership and Joint Actions in Addressing Discrimination based on Work & Descent – DWD, Untouchability, Contemporary Forms of Slavery and Analogous Forms of Discrimination that […]

Caste discrimination is blocking progress on the SDGs says UK NGO development network BOND

A new report Caste and Development: Tackling Discrimination Based on Work and Descent has just been released by the UK NGO development network BOND highlighting the urgent need to address caste discrimination in order […]

UN CERD urges Japan to act on discrimination against the Buraku

The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) recommends that Japan effectively apply its legislation to protect Burakumin and provide information and indicators on concrete measures to uplift hteir living conditions and position in society.

September 19th, 2014|Japan, United Nations|

UN raises concern for discrimination against the Buraku in Japan

The Human Rights Committee, monitoring the implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (CCPR), August 2014 review of Japan raised concern for discrimination against the Buraku* people in Japan, with particular attention paid to Buraku women

August 8th, 2014|Japan, United Nations|

IDSN on YouTube

IDSN have launched a YouTube Channel on

CERD urges Japan to protect Buraku rights

Discrimination against the Buraku community is still an issue in Japan, and the government should take effective steps against it, says UN Anti-Racism Committee.

March 18th, 2010|Japan|