As an activist you can help by showing solidarity, raising awareness and by putting pressure on the decision makers that are or should be accountable to you.
We urge you to:
Subscribe to the IDSN Newsletter and follow IDSN on social media – and show your support by sharing the information with your network.
A. Inform yourself
Inform yourself about caste discrimination and the human rights problems that stem from it. Make use of the resources on our website. If you travel to caste-affected countries find out where caste-affected communities live and visit them.
Learn more about caste discrimination
B. Submit a complaint to the UN Special Procedures
If a human rights violation has occurred, is ongoing, or has a high risk of occurring, you can submit a complaint to the UN Special Procedures about the alleged violation. With this information the mandate holders are able to intervene directly with Governments on specific allegations of violations of human rights that come within their mandates in the form of letters of allegation or urgent appeals.
Read about the procedures and criteria for submitting a complaint to the UN Special Procedures
C. Get involved
Raise awareness about caste discrimination – if possible jointly with others. If you live in a caste-affected country get engaged in promoting Dalit human rights. If you live outside an affected country engage with a Dalit Solidarity Network or other similar organisations. For example, if you live in the UK contact the Dalit Solidarity Network – UK. Engage your parliamentarians and ask them what they do to eliminate caste discrimination.
See list of members of the IDSN network
See our recommendations to policy makers