Read about the outcome declaration, urgent global call for action and recommendations of the Consultation here 

Read the report from the International Consultation here 

With the aim to enhance international, national, and local engagement to eliminate caste-based discrimination, IDSN organized an International Consultation on “Good Practices and Strategies to Eliminate Caste-based Discrimination” in Kathmandu, Nepal, on 29 November -1 December 2011.Within this overall framework the consultation explored:

  • Effective frameworks and institutions  for  the elimination of caste-based discrimination
  • Addressing multiple discrimination against Dalit women
  • Alleviating caste-based discrimination in humanitarian responses

In addition to these three main themes, other key issues including education, bonded labour and discrimination in employments and awareness raising were explored in workshops, drawing on participants’ interaction and experiences. Multiple forms of discrimination against women was considered as a cross-cutting issue in all themes.

Read more about the workshop themes

See the cases submitted in advance of the International Consultation