IDSN urges all UN Member States to condemn caste-based discrimination as a violation of international human rights law in international fora. In particular, UN Member States are called upon to;
- Address caste-related human rights violations in country and thematic reviews, incl. impunity and non-implementation of legislation, violation of Dalit women and children’s rights, unequal access to basic services (e.g. education, housing, water, and health) and resources, bonded labour, and torture;
- Adopt a Human Rights Council resolution, which promotes and endorses the draft UN Principles and Guidelines for the effective elimination of discrimination based on work and descent as a guiding framework to eliminate caste discrimination;
- Recommend the sharing of good practices to eliminate caste discrimination by governments, Special Procedures, UN agencies and country teams, the private sector, and civil society;
- Systematically use the recommendations on caste discrimination by UN human rights bodies. See a comprehensive overview
Read full version of IDSN’s Appeal to UN Member States, Special Procedures, and UN Agencies
IDSN recommendations to the OHCHR and UN Agencies to end caste-based discrimination and caste-based violence against women and girls, presented at a side-event on 17 June at the 26th Session of the Human Rights Council