IDSN monitors the work of the Parliament and selected parliamentary committees and delegations with a particular focus on caste discrimination. In association with its members and in support of an EP agenda to eliminate caste discrimination, IDSN facilitates submissions and background information on countries and thematic issues.
The European Parliament (EP) has addressed caste-based discrimination in committee hearings, questions to Commissioners, joint statements, EP resolutions on the EU Annual Report on Human Rights in the World and through the adoption of several key resolutions on caste discrimination and the situation of Dalits.
IDSN urges MEPs to address caste discrimination in EU legislation and policies on human rights, development cooperation and humanitarian assistance, as well as business and human rights and trade relations, and calls for EP support to promote EU action in the UN.
IDSN lobbies the Committee on Development, the Subcommittee on human rights, The Foreign Affairs Committee, the Delegation for relations with India and the Delegation for relations with the countries of South Asia, to ensure that caste discrimination is paid adequate attention in committee activities, such as studies, communications and resolutions, ultimately for the promotion of human rights, democracy and development in affected countries.
MEPs are encouraged to engage in dialogues on caste discrimination with parliamentarians and officials from caste affected countries on what measures can be taken to eliminate caste discrimination effectively. IDSN strongly recommends parliamentary groups to always meet with representatives of communities affected by caste discrimination during visits to their countries.