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Nepal Human Rights Yearbook 2021 - caste references
Caste and Dalit references of the Nepal Human Rights Yearbook 2021.
Joint Stakeholder Submission of Non-governmental Organization on Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Nepal
This is a submission by several NGOs in Nepal to the third cycle of the UN UPR in 2020.
Universal Periodic Report of Nepal 3rd Cycle - Fact Sheet
Slavery and Child Labor in India's Hand-Made Carpet Sector
The report is the largest single first-hand study of slavery and child labor conducted to date.
India Exclusion Report 2013-14 – Centre for Equity Studies
Inclusive Vulnerability Mapping & Monitoring of Post Disaster Response
Violence against Dalit women (AIDMAM, 2012, Publication)
Access to Health Care and Patterns of Discrimination
Dalit Rights are Human Rights (One World Action/BDERM, 2010, Publication) (2010)
Dalit Rights are Human Rights (One World Action/BDERM, 2010, Publication) (2010)