United Kingdom of Great Britain – 27th session – 4 May 2017:
The UK Government was reviewed at the third cycle of the Universal Periodic Review at the 27th session on 4 May 2017. None of the recommendations addressed caste-based discrimination, however, recommendations made by the Netherlands and the United States of America below encompass an adoption of secondary legislation outlawing caste discrimination and providing access to justice for victims of caste-based discrimination:
134.87 Review and strengthen current policies and initiatives to combat societal discrimination against members of racial, religious and ethnic minority groups (United States of America);
134.154 Ensure the accessibility of appropriate legal aid to safeguard access to justice for all, particularly for the most marginalized groups in society (Netherlands)
Both of the recommendations were accepted by the UK Government.
Outcomes of the UPR of the UK:
- Outcome report of the UPR Working Group (A/HRC/36/9)
- UK Government’s responses to UPR recommendations
- UN documentation on the UPR of the UK
In advance of the examination, the Dalit Solidarity Network UK and IDSN prepared a joint submission on caste-based discrimination in the UK, as well as a list of key issues and recommendations.
More information:
United Kingdom of Great Britain – 13th session – 24 May 2012:
The UK Government was reviewed for the second time by the UPR Working Group at the 13th session on 24 May 2012. During the review, the following recommendation was made by Nicaragua:
Put in practice a national strategy to eliminate discrimination against caste, through the immediate adoption of the Equality Law of 2010 that prohibits such discrimination, in conformity with its international human rights obligations, including CERD’s General Recommendation 29 and recommendations of the Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Racism (Nicaragua).
In its response to the UPR recommendations, the UK Government stated the following:
“The recommendation does not enjoy the support of the United Kingdom.The UK Government are currently considering the evidence available to them, such as the report by the National Institute for Economic and Social Research (NIESR), together with the correspondence and representations put forward by both those who want the Government to legislate and those who are opposed to such legislation being introduced before reaching any conclusion on whether or not to prohibit caste discrimination as a specific aspect of race discrimination under the Equality Act 2010.”
Outcomes of the UPR of the UK:
- Outcome report of the UPR Working Group (A/HRC/21/9)
- UK Government’s responses to UPR recommendations
- Written statement for the 21st HRC session (MRG, DSN-UK and IDSN)
- IDSN analysis and observations on outcomes and follow up to the UPR of the UK
- DSN-UK press release (25 May 2012): UK caste battle taken to the UN
- UN documentation on the UPR of the UK
In advance of the examination, the Dalit Solidarity Network UK and IDSN prepared a joint submission on caste-based discrimination in the UK, as well as a list of key issues and recommendations.