Girls dancing in a camp for freed bonded labourers in Sindh, Pakistan. Photo: Jakob Carlsen.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights (Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights from 1948).
But 260 million world wide continue to suffer from caste discrimination.
Many countries have legislation that outlaws caste discrimination – in India, for example, the body of legislation meant to protect Dalits and improve their situation is extensive. But political will to ensure implementation is lacking and discrimination from village level up to government level continues unabated. Caste discrimination and the human rights violations that inevitably follow can only be avoided if decision makers at all levels decide to take action.
Change has to come from within caste affected countries themselves, but IDSN raises awareness and engages with policy makers at international level in order to create pressure from the outside.
Learn more about our work with the United Nations
Learn more about our work with the European Union
Our members and associates also engage in dialogue with national and regional decision makers – learn more via their respective websites.