The Human Rights Committee, monitoring the implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (CCPR), August 2014 review of Japan raised concern for discrimination against the Buraku* people in Japan, with particular attention paid to Buraku women
Emphasis was placed on the lack of information regarding the participation of Buraku women in policy-making positions and Japan was urged to take concrete measures to assess and support the political participation of Buraku women.
Furthermore, the committee expressed concern over the widespread racist discourse in Japan inciting hatred against minorities and the Buraku people, and the insufficient protections granted against these acts in the criminal and civil code.
Megumi Komori of the International Movement Against all forms of Racism and Discrimination (IMADR) comments,
“We welcome the comments of the CCPR committee also on Buraku women, whose participation has not been recognized in the third government’s basic plan for gender equality. The most serious problem rests with the government’s failure to accept and implement UN recommendations. The CCPR is deeply concerned about this attitude.”
IMADR will also be involved in the NGO intervention in the CERD review of Japan this month where representatives from minority communities from Japan, including Buraku, will also be present to highlight the issue of discrimination based on descent.
Read the references to discrimination against the Buraku in the CCPR Concluding Observations here
*Buraku people are a Japanese social minority group, ethnically and linguistically indistinguishable from other Japanese people. They face discrimination in Japan because of an association with work once considered impure, such as butchering animals or tanning leather and their place in the Japanese caste system. In particular, they often have trouble finding marriage partners or employment. Read more here