Well, WHAT A SHOW! Last week, I was privileged to be at the screening of the outstanding documentary by Manjeet Sarkar of Untouchable – Laughing Out Caste, at the Melahuset in Oslo. The time has come, and the mic has not just been passed, it has been snatched away!
Manjeet spares no-one in his comedy and in this film, you can see why. His has not been an easy life, but he has taken that life by the scruff of the neck and shaken it up and around. The system is not only challenged, it is rocked and left swaying in the wind by a round of quick fire, deeply penetrating jokes that make most of the audience guffaw with laughter, but I also hope that some were left deeply uncomfortable and questioning every casteist belief that we know too many still hold – and some maybe even forced to rethink that old way of how things were.
Manjeet’s twitter handle – Manjeet @NOTSarkar is a clever and subtle way of saying he will not be defined by his name and perceived caste. He is in a class of his own, and with every word, every nuance, every expletive, he is simply unbeatable.
Review written by IDSN Executive Director – Meena Varma