Archive | Dalit Children

Drought in Pakistan kills over 100 children – many are Dalits

Urgent and sustainable relief is needed for Dalits residing in the Thar desert who are repeatedly struck by drought. Over 100 children have died in this last drought and the Pakistan Dalit Solidarity Network have issued a press release calling for action to address the cause of these humanitarian catastrophes in Thar and find sustainable solutions to protect Dalits from droughts in future.

March 10th, 2014|Dalit Children, Humanitarian Aid, Pakistan|

UNICEF: Dalit girls most excluded from primary education in India

A report just released by UNICEF and UNESCO on out of school children in India highlights that Dalit girls have the highest primary school exclusion rate in India. The report also finds that half of the Pre-School age Dalit children are not attending school.

January 30th, 2014|Dalit Children, Dalit Women, Education, India|

Global Slavery Index: Caste a major factor

Caste systems are present in four out of five countries ranked the worst slavery offenders, in the 2013 Global Slavery Index. India alone accounts for half of the people on the planet regarded as ’modern slaves’.

October 22nd, 2013|Caste-based slavery, Dalit Children, Pakistan|

Motion passed in Dutch Parliament on full supply chain transparency in India’s garment industry, following report highlighting Dalits in bonded labour

A Motion in the Dutch Parliament on full supply chain transparency in the garment industry in India has been adopted in the wake of the report ‘Maid in India’ by SOMO and the India Committee of the Netherlands

Dalits still working in bonded labour in the cotton industry despite some improvements, new report finds

Follow-up report highlights improvements but warns that root problems remain and bonded labour continues to exist in the cotton indsutry.

March 5th, 2012|Caste-based slavery, Dalit Children, India|

Dalit girls working under slave like conditions in India’s garment industry

Multinational clothing brands are sourcing from cotton spinning mills in Tamil Nadu that exploit teenage girls, subjecting them to what the ILO terms the ‘worst forms of child labour’.

May 19th, 2011|Business, Caste-based slavery, Dalit Children, Dalit Women, India|

IDSN on YouTube

IDSN have launched a YouTube Channel on

Child labour: EU’s India policy under scrutiny

Two new reports on child labour in the Indian seed industry have prompted a Dutch member of the European Parliament to ask questions about the EU’s relations with India - including the issue of Dalits.

July 22nd, 2010|Caste-based slavery, Dalit Children, European Union, India|

Nepal: Dalit girl murdered – risk of poor investigation

An eight-year old Dalit girl in Nepal may have been the victim of a sacrificial murder because of her caste status. The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is concerned that the local authorities may not do enough to investigate the crime.

February 11th, 2010|Dalit Children, Nepal|

Children speak up against manual scavenging

Dalit children in Gujarat will protest against being forced to clean toilets and septic tanks at the upcoming rally against manual scavenging, organized by Grassroots Dalit organization Navsarjan.

August 13th, 2009|Dalit Children, Manual Scavenging|