Rights within reach

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Rights within reach: Securing equality and human rights in Nepal’s new constitution

Tainted Carpets: Slavery and Child Labor in India’s Hand-Made Carpet Sector

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Tainted Carpets: Slavery and Child Labor in India’s Hand-Made Carpet Sector is the largest single first-hand study of slavery and child labor conducted to date, and the largest single study of slavery and child labor in a commodity’s supply chain. Kara was the lead investigator and author of the report, which was released through […]

Cleaning human waste

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“Manual Scavenging,” Caste, and Discrimination in India AUGUST 25, 2014 This 96-page report documents the coercive nature of manual scavenging. Across India, castes that work as “manual scavengers” collect human excrement on a daily basis, and carry it away in cane baskets for disposal. Women from this caste usually clean dry toilets in homes, while men […]

India Exclusion Report 2013-14 – Centre for Equity Studies

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Read caste-related selected extracts from the India Exclusion Report or download the full report. The report analyses discrimination across labour, education and housing in India. Within all these areas Dalits, and particularly Dalit women, come out at the bottom of the tables. “India is inherently prone to exclusion practices that make large quantities of people extremely vulnerable to a […]

Inclusive Vulnerability Mapping & Monitoring of Post Disaster Response

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Harvard child labour expert, Siddharth Kara, comments that caste is a key factor underlying child slavery in India. He says that, “Every single child labourer that I have documented comes from a highly impoverished family unit and belongs to a low-caste or minority community.” It is Kara’s second explosive study of slavery, this time focusing on […]

Claiming Justice: A Study of Civil Society Organizations’ (CSO) Interventions in Addressing Atrocities Against Dalits and Tribals

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Read the full report here (uploaded to the IDSN website with the permission of NDMJ) Nazdeek, a legal capacity building organization committed to bringing access to justice close for marginalized communities in India, in collaboration with the National Dalit Movement for Justice  announces the release of the groundbreaking report Claiming Justice: A Study of Civil Society Organizations’ (CSO) Interventions in […]

Violence against Dalit women

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Violence against Dalit women (AIDMAM, 2012, Publication)