The IDSN Annual Report 2019-2020 covers key developments and activities within IDSN’s work under the thematic areas Dalit women and gender justice, business and human rights and equality and participation, within the United Nations, European Union, and communications and networking programmes.
The highlights of the report include:
- IDSN supports UN side-event on caste and gender justice
- ‘Caste and Gender Justice: Delivering on the UN Global Girls for Dalit Women and Girls’ published by IDSN
- IDSN and IMADR co-organise a joint workshop on caste and gender at the Beijing +25 Regional CSO Forum
- IDSN has a stand and snapshot presentation at the UN Business and Human Rights Forum
- The Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) releases the Base Code Guidance on ‘Caste in Global Supply Chains’
- UK and Danish ETIs organise a seminar on vulnerable workers together with IDSN
- The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights raises concern over violence against Dalits
- IDSN delegation participates at the European Development Days with the #NoCasteLeftBehind stand
- Several Members of the European Parliament raise concern over caste discrimination
- Caste featured in new EU Guidelines on Non-Discrimination
- EU annual reports on human rights highlight concern over caste discrimination
- IDSN participates in the ALNAP annual meeting on humanitarian action
- Engagement with IDSN’s website resources and social media channels rise
- IDSN visits members in South Asia and embarks on a mapping of the network
We thank all our supported for their continued engagement and cooperation in the campaign for a world free of caste-based discrimination.