The IDSN Annual Report 2020-21 covers key developments and activities within IDSN’s work under the thematic areas Dalit women and gender justice, business and human rights and equality and participation. The report can be downloaded here.
The highlights of the report include:
- Caste-hate speech raised by IDSN at the 2020 UN Minority Forum and EU NGO Human Rights Forum
- UN CEDAW committee raises concern over caste and gender discrimination in Pakistan
- UN Human Rights Chief and EU Delegation condemn Dalit killings in Nepal
- European Parliament calls for an EU policy to address caste discrimination
- EU Special Representative for Human Rights meets with Dalit women activists
- IDSN launches statements and awareness raising to address caste and Covid-19
- Over 40,000 view IDSN live debate on love, caste and colourism
- OHCHR webinar “When language excludes and discriminates” co-organised by IDSN
- Caste, slavery and labour rights raised at the UN Forum on Business and Human Rights
- Ethical Trade Norway seminar held on the need to tackle caste in global supply chains
We thank all in solidarity with the campaign for a world free of caste-based discrimination for your efforts. For monthly updates please sign up to the IDSN newsletter covering the latest developments from the EU, UN and countries affected by caste.