Read the IDSN June newsletter here with all the latest news on caste-based discrimination from the IDSN network.

Photo: Jakob Carlsen

Click on the link at the bottom of this article to read the IDSN June Newsletter.

The newsletter contains a selection of international and national news on caste-based discrimination.

The international news includes:

  • News that the UN report on discrimination based on work and descent has been officially published by the UN Human Rights Council
  • IDSN reccomendations to the Human Rights Council on the issue of Dalit women
  • Norway taking up caste discrimination
  • The Sikh shootings in Vienna, its link to caste discrimination, and its repercussions
  • Amnesty International (DK) featuring an article on caste discrimination as part of their Demand Dignity campaign
  • IHEU statement on caste and Nigeria

The featured national news includes:

  • Reflections on the outcome of the Indian Elections
  • News on the appointment of a Dalit woman as speaker in India’s House of Parliament (Lok Sabha)
  • News on seminars and public discussions, in India, on the issue of caste discrimination
  • News that the Prime Minister of Nepal has commited to working towards eliminating caste discrimination in the country
  • Book release in Bangladesh and an article on Dalit women in Pakistan

There is also a reminder that “The National Convention on Dalit Women’ is being held on the 26th of June in New Delhi, India, and information on how to participate.

You can receive the monthly IDSN newsletter straight to your inbox by subscribing here.

Links: – Read the IDSN June Newsletter here