Archive | South Asia

Dalit rights defenders speak out on caste at the EU-NGO Forum

Economic, social and labour rights were the thematic headlines of this year’s EU-NGO Human Rights Forum, where three Dalit human rights defenders were featured as panellists, facilitated by IDSN. Caste-related barriers to healthcare in […]
December 15th, 2021|Business, European Union, Health, Human Rights Defenders, India, Pakistan, Poverty, South Asia|

Caste and human rights in supply chains raised at UN Forum

IDSN participated in the UN Forum on Business and Human Rights from 29 November – 1 December, learning and drawing attention to the urgent need to address caste discrimination and violence in global supply […]
December 7th, 2021|Business, South Asia, United Nations|

OECD Watch report says revised OECD guidelines should specifically include caste

The report Get Fit: Closing gaps in the OECD Guidelines to make them fit for purpose stresses the need to address discrimination based on caste explicitly in the OECD Guidelines that are up for revision. IDSN is working with OECD Watch and ARISA (Advocating Rights in South Asia) to ensure that these revisions take note of the prevalence of caste in Multinational Enterprises.

June 30th, 2021|Business, Dalit Women, India, South Asia|

IDSN Submission to the UN Special Rapporteur report on SDGs

Read the full submission here >> UN Special Rapporteur on Minority Issues Minorities, Equal Participation, Social and Economic Development, and the 2030 Agenda for SustainableDevelopment  Submission from the International Dalit Solidarity Network (IDSN) – June 2021 Introduction Many of […]
June 8th, 2021|South Asia, United Nations|

International Dalit Journalist Network launched

A global network of Dalit journalists from across the world was launched on the 25 April to address the need to ensure better representation of Dalit voices in the mediascapes of countries where caste […]
May 10th, 2021|Nepal, Political Participation, South Asia, Sri Lanka|

IDSN Annual Report 2020-21

The IDSN Annual Report 2020-21 covers key developments and activities within IDSN’s work under the thematic areas Dalit women and gender justice, business and human rights and equality and participation. The report can be […]

UN side-event highlights caste-hate speech

On 22 March 2021, IDSN International Associates the International Movement Against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism (IMADR), Minority Rights Group (MRG),  FORUM-ASIA and Human Rights Watch (HRW), organised the side-event during the 46th Session […]

IDSN report on caste-hate speech launched

The report ‘Caste-hate speech: Addressing hate speech based on work and descent’ was launched today by the International Dalit Solidarity Network. The report examines caste-hate speech with a particular emphasis on digital media. It is […]

Side-event: The Impact of Online Caste-Hate Speech

Register for the event here: Register for the event here:

Ethical Trade Norway event highlights the need to tackle caste discrimination in global supply chains

IDSN presented on the panel of the event “Modern Slavery: Stakeholder dialogue on Caste in Global Supply Chains” organised by Ethical Trade Norway on 14 December,  to discuss ways to tackle caste discrimination in […]
December 20th, 2020|Business, Solidarity Networks, South Asia|