Tags Archives: worldbank

IDSN Input to the third phase of consultations on the second draft of the World Bank Environmental and Social Framework taking place from 4. August 2015- February 2016.


January 6th, 2016||

Jacoby, Hanan G. & Mansuri, Ghazala, 2011. “Crossing boundaries : gender, caste and schooling in rural Pakistan,” Policy Research Working Paper Series 5710, The World Bank.


April 30th, 2015||

IDSN Input to the Consultations on the World Bank’s proposed Environmental and Social Framework taking place from 1. September 2014 to 1. March 2015


April 29th, 2015||

World Bank President and UN Secretary-General: Ending India’s caste-based exclusion is key to shared prosperity


March 6th, 2015||