Tags Archives: southasia

Leave no-one behind: Addressing business-related human rights issues and exclusion of communities on the basis of caste and descent – International Dalit Solidarity Network


August 15th, 2022||

Report of the Secretary-General “A global call for concrete action for the elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and the comprehensive implementation of and followup to the Durban Declaration and Programme of A


June 10th, 2022||

Caste is a salient risk for business – here’s why | Ethical Trading Initiative


March 29th, 2022||

OECD Forum: the first session on caste-based discrimination (IDSN News)


March 29th, 2022||

IDSN 2022 submission to the Special Rapporteur on Contemporary forms of Slavery


March 18th, 2022||

Caste has migrated beyond India: Why it must be identified as a global concern


January 24th, 2022||

UC Davis quietly added caste to its antidiscrimination policy. Will it cause others to do the same?


January 24th, 2022||

Why do we only see upper caste South Asian characters?


January 24th, 2022||

Challenges for Dalits in South Asia’s Legal Community


January 24th, 2022||

In India, 5 out of 6 multidimensionally poor are from lower tribes or castes: UN report | India News – Times of India


January 24th, 2022||