Tags Archives: childlabour

OECD side-event proposes strategies for action to address caste in the global garment and footwear supply chains (IDSN News)


May 21st, 2024||

Report of the Working group on the UPR India 4th cycle 2022


April 19th, 2023||

UPR India 4th Cycle Recommendations


April 17th, 2023||

Contemporary forms of slavery affecting persons belonging to ethnic, religious and linguistic minority communities Report of the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery, including its causes and consequences, Tomoya Obokata


November 15th, 2022||

Provincial Consultation: Health, Safety, and Job Security of Sanitation Workers in Sindh


November 15th, 2022||

The UN Special Rapporteur on Slavery highlights the deep-rooted and intersecting forms of discrimination as main causes of contemporary forms of slavery affecting minorities – International Dalit Solidarity Network


November 15th, 2022||

Child Labour, Caste Discrimination Closely Interlinked In India: UN Report (NDTV)


November 1st, 2022||

The situation regarding Dalits and modern forms of slavery


August 15th, 2022||

Universal periodic Review Pakistan 2023 4th cycle – Joint stakeholder report


August 15th, 2022||

Leave no-one behind: Addressing business-related human rights issues and exclusion of communities on the basis of caste and descent – International Dalit Solidarity Network


August 15th, 2022||