Archive | Business

The cost of cotton – Every 30 minutes an Indian farmer commits suicide

India is failing to address its farmer suicide crisis, says the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice (CHRGJ), in a report released yesterday that has indentified an agrarian crisis in India where farmer suicides are on the rise and caste discrimination only exacerbates the problem.

May 16th, 2011|Business, Caste-based slavery, India|

IDSN on YouTube

IDSN have launched a YouTube Channel on

“Another Apartheid?” New report looks into caste discrimination and UK companies

A report released by the Dalit Solidarity Network UK on 22 April 2008 concludes that many UK companies have failed to develop policies which will address the problems of caste discrimination in India. ”We strongly […]
May 5th, 2008|Business, UK|