Tags Archives: slaverypakistankey

Scheduled Caste Children in Pakistan (IDSN and PDSN July 2015 alternative report for the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, 2015)


July 1st, 2015||

The Choice of Reforms: The Human Rights Situation of Ethnic, Linguistic, Religious Minorities, Scheduled Castes Hindus and Indegenous People in Pakistan (TRDP/NCJP/PILER/IDSN/Justice and Peace Netherlands, 2009. Publication)


August 2nd, 2012||

Unfree Labour in Pakistan: Work, Debt and Bondage in Brick Kilns (ILO, 2004, Publication)


August 2nd, 2012||

Information on Caste Based Discrimination in South Asia (IIDS/IDSN, 2007, Publication)


August 2nd, 2012||

Contemporary Forms of Slavery in Pakistan (Human Rights Watch, 1995, Publication)


August 2nd, 2012||

A Rapid Assessment of Bonded Labour in Hazardous Industries in Pakistan: Glass Bangle-Making, Tanneries and Construction (ILO, 2004, Publication)


August 2nd, 2012||