The report is an outcome of theInternational Consultation on Caste-Based Discrimination: Good practices and strategies to eliminate caste discrimination by governments, civil society, national & international institutions and agencies held in November 2011, in Kathmandu, Nepal.
The report supplements the Declaration, Global Call and Recommendationsthat were released on the final day of the consultation. The report is split into two parts.
Part I is a summary of the of the key issues, progress and main challenges discussed at the consultation, in relation to the seven themes of the consultation: 1. Effective Civil Society Strategies; 2. Effective Frameworks and Institutions: Challenges and Opportunities; 3. Experiences of National Human Rights Institutions; 4. Mainstreaming and Inclusion in Development Programming; 5. Good Practices and Future Strategies to Eliminate Caste Discrimination in Humanitarian Relief and Rehabilitation Assistance; 6. Addressing Multiple Forms of Discrimination against Dalit Women; and 7. Addressing Forced and Bonded Labour, & Discrimination Issues in Employment. Part I also includes a number of quotes from speakers at the consultation.
Part II of the report is a compilation of good practices, including cases presented at the consultation and cases submitted in advance of the consultation as a result of IDSNs open call for cases. These cases have also been summarised and ordered into thematic categories. Part II features a linked overview of all cases on page 25.
Finally the report also includes links to the Declaration, Global Call and Recommendations; the Consultation Programme; the List of Participants; and a Gallery of photos from the Consultation.
Read the full report here: .
IDSN hope the report will be a resource for institutions, organisations and individuals involved in tackling caste discrimination and welcome others to upload the report to their website a