The IDSN 2010 Annual Report is now published and ready for download.
The report includes information on the past years developments in the fight to eliminate caste discrimination. There are chapters on the UN, EU, Private Sector and Communication & Networking, as well as sections on caste-affected countries and Dalit Solidarity Networks. The report also includes information on organisation, administration and finance. Download the report here
Highlights in the report include:
- IDSN celebrated its 10th Anniversary
- Several high level political leaders voiced concern over caste discrimination and reports from Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, The Asian Legal Resource Centre, The Asian Human Rights Commission and more, stated concern over Dalit rights and welfare
- Fighting discrimination, including caste discrimination, is a priority of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in 2010-2011 and OHCHR- Nepal stepped up efforts to combat caste discrimination in Nepal
- UN independent experts, Special Rapporteurs and treaty bodies stated concern over caste discrimination and called for action
- The Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery presented numerous examples of caste-based slavery in Mauritania to the Human Rights Council
- Dalits participated in the UN Minority Forum
- A hearing on caste discrimination was organised in the EU’s working party on human rights (COHOM) and IDSN presented a draft EU policy framework for the elimination of caste discrimination
- The ISO 26000 standard for CSR policies was adopted with an expanded section of ending caste discrimination in organisations
- The President of Pakistan called for an end to caste discrimination in relief efforts after the Pakistan flooding and IDSN presented policy recommendations on eliminating caste discrimination in disaster relief efforts
- In India, Bangladesh and Nepal, Dalit activists worked to ensure implementation of legislation to protect Dalit rights and influence new legislative measures
- Activists in India fought to end manual scavenging by the end of 2010 and were supported by Dalit Solidarity Networks in Europe
- The UK government included a caste clause in the Equality Bill, pending a report of evidence
- The UK government commissioned report found evidence of caste discrimination in the UK
- The Dutch Foreign Minister spoke out against caste discrimination in the UN Human Rights Council
- Dalit Solidarity networks and their members staged exhibitions in Europe to highlight caste discrimination
- Dalit activists staged a number of events to highlight caste discrimination in the run-up to Human Rights Day 2010 and IDSN issued a statement