Asha Kowtal, General Secretary of the National Dalit Women’s movement in India (AIDMAM), and Dalit filmmaker Thenmozhi Soundararajan, brought the campaign to end violence against Dalit women to European decision-makers and public gathering in May. The two women spoke at a number of significant events in Europe to report back on the recent Self-respect march for Dalit women in India.
United Kingdom 16/5 Seminar on Caste-based Sexual Violence & Dalit Women’s Self Respect March (SOAS, University of London)
Norway 20/5 Seminar on multiple discrimination and caste discrimination hosted by NORAD (The Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation) – organised by the Dalit Solidarity Network in Norway.
Finland 25/6 Talk on Dalit women speaking out at the renowned World Village Festival in Finland, attended by over 40,000 people – organised by the Dalit Solidarity Network in Finland.
Sweden 26/5 Seminar on caste-based sexual violence in India at Lund University – arranged by SASNET (Swedish South Asian Studies Network) – organised by the Dalit Solidarity Network in Sweden
Denmark 27/5 Seminar on confronting caste-based sexual violence in India at Copenhagen University
Asha and Thenmozhi also did several press interviews, and articles on the struggle to end violence against Dalit women were published in key European national news outlets. The two women also visited the Netherlands where the Dalit Network Netherlands organised meetings and press interviews.
More information
Dalit women in India stage month-long march for justice (IDSN News)
Briefing leaflet on Dalit women including information, quotes and cases
Read more about Dalit Women and discrimination
Visit AIDMAMs webpage for more information on the movement
Dalit women ignite the audience at the Women in The World Summit in New York (April 2014)