In this section, we shall collect interviews with and portraits of Dalit activists (and other Dalits with stories worth telling) from a number of countries. Some of the articles are written by IDSN, others we have found in various media.
Durga Sob: Nepal’s trailblazing Dalit feminist (The New Internationalist interviews Durga Sob, Nepal’s leading campaigner for the rights of Dalit women)
“Dalits are skilled, honest and industrious” (Bhakta Bishwakarma, a leading activist, tells IDSN about the struggle for Dalit rights in Nepal)
“Why the Dalits alone should take the entire burden and responsibility in fighting against the caste system?” (an interview with prominent Indian activist and NGO Director, Manjula Pradeep, on the Insight Young Voices Blog)
Microcredits – a way out of oppression (an article about Kamu Sunuwar, a Dalit mother of two in Nepal, who – thanks to her involvement in a microcredit project – has become accepted by the rest of her village)
“Upper caste farmers grow money, we grow food” (an IDSN interview with three Dalit women from India attending the COP15 climate conference in Copenhagen)
“Don’t take benefit of reservations, if you can’t pay back” (an interview with well known Indian activist and scholar Dr Umakant on the Insight Young Voices Blog)