My Life: The Journey of a Dalit Sociologist (Book, 2020, by Govardhan Wankhede)
Review by reader: This autobiography is a stunningly honest account of the many trials and tribulations of a courageous and sensitive man, born a despised Untouchable, who perseveres through the cruel and mindless dominance of upper caste hierarchy in modern India. From a poor village where almost everyone is illiterate to sit in a high seat of prestigious academia, Professor Wankhede's account of his lifelong struggles had me weeping and at times shouting in anger. Dr. Wankhede's candid description of his moods and mental states will open your heart to the many inner and outer challenges faced by India's Dalits as they attempt to better their lives in swimming upstream against the biased, entitled minority that rule India with their flawless English, manicured fists and elegant saris. My Life provides authentic insight in how India really works, or fails to work, for its millions of Dalits